Recent questions tagged cat2000

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The integers $34041$ and $32506$ when divided by a three-digit integer $ n\text{’}$ leave the same remainder. What is $ n\text{’}?$$289$$367$$453$$307$
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Let $\text{N} = 1421 \times 1423 \times 1425.$ What is the remainder when $\text{N}$ is divided by $12?$$0$$9$$3$$6$
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What is the number of distinct triangles with integral valued sides and perimeter $14? $$6$$5$$4$$3$
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Let $\text{S}$ be the set of prime numbers greater than or equal to $2$ and less than $100.$ Multiply all elements of $\text{S}.$ With how many consecutive zeros will the...
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1 answer
Let $x, y$ and $z$ be distinct integers, that are odd and positive. Which one of the following statements cannot be true?$xyz^2$ is odd.$(x − y)^2 z$ is even.$(x + y �...
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Let $\text{S}$ be the set of integers $x$ such that$100 < x < 200$$x$ is odd$x$ is divisible by $3$ but not by $7$How many elements does $\text{S}$ contain?$16$$12$$11$$1...
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If $x 2$ and $y – 1,$ Then which of the following statements is necessarily true?$xy –2$$–x < 2y$$xy < –2$$–x 2y$
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Consider a sequence of seven consecutive integers. The average of the first five integers is $n.$ The average of all the seven integers is$n$$n+1$$\text{K} \times n, \tex...
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What is the value of the following expression?$\frac{1}{2^2 -1} + \frac{1}{4^2 -1} + \frac{1}{6^2 -1} + \dots + \frac{1}{20^2 -1}$$\frac{9}{19}$$\frac{10}{19}$$\frac{10}{...
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If $a_1 = 1$ and $a_{n+1} = 2a_{n + 5}, n = 1, 2, \dots ,$ then $a_{100}$ is equal to$(5 × 2^99 – 6)$$(5 × 2^99 + 6)$$(6 × 2^99 + 5)$$(6 × 2^99 – 5)$
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The manners and ________ of the nouveau riche is a recurrent ________ in, motif morals, storywealth, theme morals, theme
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It will take some time for many South Koreans to ________ the conflicting images of North Korea, let alone to ________ what to make of their northern cousins.reconcile, d...
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Though one eye is kept firmly on the ________, the company now also promotes ________ contemporary art.present, experimentalfuture, popularpresent, popularmarket, popular...